• Since 2019, 50 people have been audited via the DJM (Digital Journey for the Manager). They each received a personal document identifying their level of maturity in agile soft skills and a personalized debriefing from a coach to confirm and interpret the results
  • In 2022, an in-depth training mission was carried out during 6 months in a large Dutch bank with 15 soft skills promoters and 120 contributors. The mission was spread over 9 months with 15 audits, an online survey, 3 days of on-site training for 15 people.
raised clenched fists
Photo by Sora Shimazaki on Pexels.com
  • In 2023, in inter-company mode, an Agile soft skills cycle of "leadership" was launched via the CQHN.
  • In 2023, a collaboration agreement is set up with Keyrus Management Belgium to provide Agile soft skills training on the one hand and also to develop Keyrus consultants on the subject of Agile soft skills on the other hand.